
Showing posts from October, 2008

conflict of the mind

At times she laughed out her sorrows and saved her words for the morrows At times she cried out her happiness and saved her sighs in loneliness At times she lost all in doing the rights and saved a thought for all the nights A times she gained nothing from all the rights and saved a pain that never came to light At times she saw a dream often and again and saved in the dark a grave to remain At times she felt her peace lies there from all the rights and all the wrongs her soul shall leave and her state lies there These words from the bottom of my heart is for Raji .who hailed from a little town of south kerela ( kochi ).Born to a poor family,her father owns a little tea shop,from the meagre income of which he managed to educate his only daughter to gain a nursing degree and took pride in being able to send her abroad she took up as a nurse with the saudi-german hospital in S anana ,capital of Yemen . A fatal incident shattered them.According to ...

secrets of the nature

The fate of a man is written in the womb what nature holds for him in its mysterious dome the sun the moon the sky the mountains the gold and silver rays and fountains do live and lend their glory to admire we live and take their dreams and desire the rays of the dawn that brightens our worl' neither rises nor sets on its will, yet wished in its soul for a leisure under a shade and a chill from the rain in its heat it melted losing all and never gained to look into his eyes man never dared listen to his wails stronger than its glare. who has known him better? The king of the night so calm and sound has wishes encased in its silver round millions of courtiers hang in and around twinkling with their heart pleasing the king when the night is deep and the stars are asleep he fills the ocean with his silient weeps as the dawn is close he hides himself or searches for a treasure with lifeless eyes a mother he loved or a lover he lost among poems,praises and worships who understood him...

Little red rose

I remember not when you were born from a bud to a flower you had grown I remember the day i saw you first you were the cutest and the youngest i remember the white dress you wore it was pleated at the chest and you were four round as the moon your smiling face  your eyes sparkled wide and larger than you were two curly plaits hung from your head on your bare white shoulders to and fro i craved for your smile but oftn you cried chains of pearls withered on your dress and dried to play and fight to share my mind i longed for a sister of my kind you were my sister and still not mine but i loved you more than my heart and soul if you had been my own  you were th loser for th words of praises and songs i sing would be another owner,someone elses pleasure so lets be fine and think of nothing better all that happens has always been for the better


what lightened the days or darkened the nights the rising sun or the hiding moon why the mountains kept still and the sky moving reasons said and kept going what they shared to the world unknown secrets of their own or mysteries unknown none shall learn or attain unto salvation none shall stand above natures inventions