
Showing posts from November, 2011

'Mothers keep an eye'

All mothers out there working at home or at office. keep one eye open if not both and one ear closed so that what you hear causes less harm to your heart and mind.Dont let your conscience one day ask you "what a mother you are'.I wouldnt ask you to not believe in your children but not wholly.Gone are the days of your childhood when you followed your route of home-school-home or home-college-home.We grew up with certain ethics and principles and we do wish our children imbibe them and grow likewise.But our little babies are in a complete different era.In trying to keep pace with the fast growing and revolutionizing world.These little kids have little idea about family values(forget traditional) or cultures. Internet and mobiles are the two major culprits.Fixing dates and places of meeting at Malls,theatres and parentless homes.Mainly flats because its a better option with no eyes and ears following you except the watchman who sticks on to his job by just' watching'...