"what am I"
Every action of a man is an internal orientation. It may be a good one or a bad one. Every action reflects a pesrons character. There is an outer being and an inner-being. Just as we make-over our outer-being in all possible ways to look attractive,the same way our inner being also needs a replenishing, as this is the way to polish your mind and soul, because it is the highest form of consciousness and intelligence which deserves a freedom or detachment from the body. This is the only way one can attain happiness, pleasure and enjoyment of the mind, this in simple words could be told as mental freedom. An imprisoned inner-being only brings pain, sorrow and discomfort as its narrowness to exist only fills in you desires to possess and accumulate. Whats the use of having all the richness and luxuries and no happiness. Our physical self or the annamaya kosha is activated only because of the ...