
                                         Again and again i am ashamed,
                                         for being raped and being famed.
                                         I am born as a girl,a lovely daughter,
                                         i am then torn as a joke, a laughter.
                                         I see myself and forget to smile,
                                         the hurts are deep,deeper than the nile.
                                         I burn in a fire that melts my soul,
                                         my body remains in this flamed world.
                                         I need to accept i am, for being a girl,
                                         bruised and cursed, a worn material.
                                         I rise from the flames unswallowed,
                                         and realise my feet firm and strong.
                                         I am now a woman, a  proud mother,
                                         compare me not on this earth to another.
                                         you were born when my nerves swelled,
                                          my veins broke and my heart welled.
                                         Again and again you will be born,
                                         to a lady, a woman a mother.

                                        Yet another rape and this time its a three year old who was taken from her sleep by not men but some street dogs.I think they dont deserve being called dogs.If we  have to call them dogs then dogs need a better name. .After getting many births as different species only do man get this higher form of material body in the belief that he uses his mind for better things and better knowledge.But when he uses his self for such heinous forms of pleasure he dont deserve to be in his body.He without doubt need to be born as an animal of the lowest forms so we have to force him out of this world  so that we could save many more little innocent children.
         When will the people sitting on supreme positions understand how inevitable it is to bring in a "pest control act". we live because we eat and we eat because our fields grow without pests.Lets use the same policy so that our children grow properly.Let us make a pest free society.


The Unadorned said…
"they dont deserve being called dogs.If we have to call them dogs then dogs need a better name." I agree Preetha. The pathos you express has the power to ruin the culprits.

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