the blind

nothing interests me in this world
neither life nor betrayal
nothing pleases me nor my soul
neither rise nor fall
nothing i see in my feeble sight
neither dark nor light
nothing in my mind i carry
neither bitter nor sweet
nothing in my self i feel
neither pain nor pleasure
nothing in my heart i fear
neither day nor night
nothing in my ears i store
neither secrets nor whispers
not all truths reveals the earth
not all said is measured
not all hidden is treasured


Dev said…
not all said is measured
not all hidden is treasured ...
"the blind" poem has a deep feeling
and deep eyes...
I love this poem.

I also like to have a comment from a person like u who wrote such a great poem...

Read it...

गवाह है मेरी प्रीति की रीति
मै ढूंढ़ रहा था उसे यूँ
जैसे मृग ने ढूढा है कस्तूरी
वह खुशबू थी , फिजां थी
या थी कस्तूरी ।
पल पल का साथ था उसका
पर हर पल मैंने ढूंढा उसको
वो कौन थी मेरी ?
वह मेरी प्रेरना थी , वह मेरी अर्चना थी
आखिर वो ही तो थी जिन्दगी मेरी ।
on my blog...

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