The women who made heaven on earth

Talent is what you possess and genius is what possesses you' Here meet this women who gave meaning to her life by planting more than 300 trees. She carried pails of water on her head and shoulder for distance of four kilometers to water the trees planted by her and her husband chikkaiah.Thikkamma was the reciepeint of many prestigious awards(National citizens award-1995,Indira priyadarshini vrikshmitra award-1997,veera chakra prashasti award-1997 and a certificate of honour from the welfare department( W&C) karnataka and a certificate of appreciation from the Indian Institute of wood science and technology.
All these were feathers of her crown with which she grew to fame but none of these provided her what she needed the most in her oldage.Though we say trees provide us with shelter. tikkamma struggled with her lonliness till the awards and certificates and trees blurred from her vision and she flew from her heaven on earth to the garden of eden.


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