Listen to them

Life is always like the two sides of a coin.Happiness and sorrows take turns rolling into your life uninvitingly at different stages.Thanking god for the former and cursing him for the latter.We at times of miseries, detest our lives and forget to convince and cajole ourselves that its just the other side of the coin,and its just an interval.Those are the times we should remember a few hundreds who get to see only the darker side of life.They are banned by the laws of god to see the brighter side of life.They have no place in any institution,neither gods nor mans.They have no homes,no schools.They are not part of globalisation,revolution,resolutions and technologies.of which we talk of proudly.Yes they do contribute in global-warming,burning tons and tons of clothes thrown to them by large hearted people mainly done to clean their houses.When our children are entering into a digital world there are these children of the street who have not seen the doors of a school.Get a little closer to them and you can see their little hearts full of dreams.How much they love to read,write and learn.They love to be connected to a teacher who could teach them rhymes and songs.They have dreams of becoming something different from their parents and they hate begging.When the wind blows swiftly over their brows,it says softly into their ears 'all are equal in the eyes of the lord'.Then why are some in houses and some on streets?Their wide eyes asks you so.


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