May humanity be your goal

'All the world is a stage and all men and women merely players'.truly said by shakespere.The only difference being the players who could be categorised as rich,very rich,poor and very poor.I hope this letter would fly to you like a white dove and fulfill my duty of creating awareness of the very poor who happen to leave your state and live a life of dirt and stink in other states becoming a blotch to your famed name and a shame to your fast growing infrastructure and technology.
Art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order. Your state which is now on the treshold of topping the charts of indian states could make your citizens proud and for others a role model to follow.But there is one very important thing that to my knowledge should be given due importance and needs an immediate solution.only then can you be called a superior state in the true sense.Kerela which is called gods own country and which has an 100 % literacy rate has always given valuable education to its citizens and our prior government in 2009 had passed the 'RIGHTS TO CUMPOLSARY AND FREE EDUCATION' for children upto age 14.Changing governments and political gaming has but never become a hindrance to the growing education of our state kerela.We aim in growing more and not keeping a single child devoid of education.There but remains a few hundreds which do not gain absolutely anything from our schemes.Our government or any other government will not be able to bring them under their feather or provide them with shelter or education .They are the nomads who live pity-ful and pathetic lives in other states becoming a curse for growng cities.Their children just grow as illeterates and go on to become beggars at a young age and drug-addicts and alchoholics as they grow.This menace if controlled could irradicate illiteracy and beggary from grass-root level.
These little children are made of flesh and blood,but have no clothes to cover,they have a stomach which are filled with only pangs of hunger,They have minds with talents which are never at work,they have hearts with their wishes always at rest.Without war and bloodshed they are the victims of war, being often and again uprooted from their settlements and running helter-shelter with zero living conditions.These innocent kids becoming a target to such heart-melting situations for no mistake of theirs raises a question to man-kind and human-hearts. Their battle for existence needs to be ended and they be provided with all the basic amenties of life so that a new generation of literates and intelligent children could be produced among them.Giving an end to the persisting nomadic era.


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