Raise working age for children

The ILO has lowered the working age of children to 14.Is it not too early an age to become independent. A via-ble die-able age when money in hand could land you in unadvisable places.The ILO chief technical advisor MP Joseph added saying they could do safe jobs.If one happen to exclude the unsafe jobs we would be left with a few.Introducing the education rights act and simultaneously lowering the age for working would leave much options for the children to opt out of studying at 14,which means more and more children would only have a ssc certificate.It could have been increased to 16 so that a minimum 12th pass was assured.He also added ILO was commited to improving the diginity of workers which comes under the purview of labour laws.May that be a relief to the thousands of labourers spread out all over kerela who are facing harsh circumstances. The education of their children being most effected hope some measures would be taken to ensure schoolings for the children of the labourers and migrants,whose children we call street children and are devoid of all basic ameneties in a country we call as Gods own. May we become a role model to other states and countries in the way we treat our poor tourists who end-up as permenant settlers.Depriving education for their children means bringing no change in their present pitiful states of life.May atleast the coming generation grow up with basic education to atleast read and write.


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