HANDSETS 4 Rs.599/-

Reliance comm.has launched its feature-rich colour handset priced at rs.599/-.All locals can call @ 1ps/4sec. and 1 paisa/2sec for std. Here falls rel. to the lowest rates.Also offering a free call of rs.25.A more than affordable bonanza for the aam aadmi.I call my maid on her cell ,i call for the scrap man on his cell,last week my Go green professional(new identity for coconut climbers}spoke to me while on duty(go airy).The mobile would have had an unhealthy landing along with him scattering to bits and breaking his head like a coconut,thanks to his wife and kids who prays for him every morning before he leaves for his deadly job.girls and boys walk to their destination in a semiconscious state of mind creating problems for the drivers if at all he is conscious.The passengers would get their ear drums crashed while the person crossing the road would hear nothing at all. competitions is fair in all fields,rising of companies and crashing of prices too is fair in the game of business.revolution is highly acceptable but not at the stake of lives.from the paanwala to the scrapwala,from buses drivers to cycle peddlers,from maids to street kids,young girls and boys,the mobile revolution has sweep-ed all into its gigantic waves.jo bach gaya woh bach gaya jo mar gaya so mar gaya.May the laws without taking it own time and course break through to arrest all those who cross roads while talking on phone,and the transport ministry add a new law so as to not lend compensation for a accident prone victim if he or she was on phone while it took place. cells giving alert calls at times of danger if introduced at the above rate that would be a big cudos to rel.comm.i wish to not throw a fast with the babas for saving lives.


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