This is 'silky',the pomeranian at AVA(A voice for animals).once upon a time it mustve been as its name sounds but when prasanna found it on the roadside its breed couldnt be identified,most of its fur was burnt and it was barely able to crawl. prasanna called her friend Baby and took silky to a vet and got it treated,with a very slim chance of survival it fought back to life.Thy spent 12000 rs.from their own pocket to save it . Once AVA got a call from a pet owner saying he wanted to give away his one year old pet because it was no more a baby and that he had got it as a toy for his son. A goat owner who had left his goat tied in the rain for four days.AVA has countless such incidents to narrate and many more of pets being left on highways after they get old and sick.What a pity. people forget that they are living creatures as well.Prasanna and baby have embraced this challenging job of sheltering abandoned and injured animals from the streets to give them a new lease of life.They need lots and lots of support and help.All those pet lovers out there do your bit and help in putting an end to cruelty towards animals.YOU CAN CONTACT AT-9995989279