The forbidden veil

It is a shame to talk about love-jihad in a country like kerala which calls itself 100% literate.Hindu and christian girls finding solace under the hijab and burkha are going missing to untraceable regions of either syria or tehraan and recruited to IS. The situation is alarming  and every possible steps need to be taken to warn our children of the danger. Girls are lured with sky high dreams of money, job and other luxaries and a thorough education of the islaam religion is given.When the net's are thoroughly laid the prey is trapped and  she is lost in a world called 'Hell'. Where are we going wrong?  Is our education system lacking something very much or are the family backgrounds too weak and unhealthy that girls do not find anything wrong in detaching themselves from her family and  having no pity for her beloved ones,  just leaves her home with this man or boy whom she met yesterday. Christian girls falls less prey compared to the hindus because the church has a bigger role to play in their lives.More than being a place of prayer it offers support and financial help to the very needy. The priest keeps himself well informed about the welfare of his people. Anybody of any community can approach him.Unlike the hindus, temples are only places of worship and priests are only meant to perform poojas. A poor hindu family has no support of any kind, niether moral nor financial  from the temple. Begging and praying to god is the only means. Kerala has no dearth of temples and some are unthinkably rich. It shares its wealth with the government but not with the thousands who are poor and sick, some who are unable to pursue higher studies, or some who have to study at private colleges with unaffordabe fee structure.Young children at their viable-dieable age are easily prone to unethical methods, routes and unhealthy relationships to earn money. A strong house cannot be build on a weak foundation. And for a strong foundation, if not a strong atleast a sound financial back-up is necessary. This surely is the need of the hour.   
                        This issue has been brought to the knowledge of the authorities time and again but they often fell on deaf ears. It was taken very lightly and never once was it considered grave or what would be the consequences of  this union which was thought of  as a usual love marriage between  two communities. Inter-caste love-marriages have occurred since time immemorial and it was never a grave situation as it is now. In most cases families disapproved and the couple would distance themselves and live without any support from their kith and kin, a non-acceptance period that would be short lived, mostly till a baby was born. Today its a different scenario, where after marriage the girl goes missing for ever. And this happens only when a muslim boy marries a girl of another community. But there are exc eptions too. Not all are love-jihaaads.
                        Last month about 66 cases of missing girls have been reported to the president of the  national womens commission rekha sharma.  She has agreed that forced religion has been taking place in kerala but she didnt have the courage to say  kerala the highest literate state is under the threat of love-jihaad. Our girls are lured with many promises till the marriage takes place,after which she is forced to accept islaam. Her identitty is hidden under the hijaab and she is transfered to a country where she is sold and when her body loses its ability to quench the thirst of human,it is given away to hungry hawks and eagles.     


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