I bought a boot and a jersey with the money my father gave me to buy a new dress for Id. My heart was always on the ground and i wanted to start from there and touch the sky's. I began with handball, then athletics and finally came to football
                             My greatest inspiration and support was my father who wanted me to champ, he ignored the family and community norms and helped me follow my heart. but at times destiny plays its cruel game, sometimes to jolt us to consciousness and make us strong or to take independent decisions of our life. It came in the disguise of an accident and snatched my father in such a way that god didn't even show me the  mercy of having a last look at him.He was cremated in Dubai itself. Fate glared at me in the eye and i was lost.That was the first blow of my life. We were six siblings and i was the fourth, sports was never a cup of tea for women specially in our community and boys hesitated to come with an alliances for me, I shut the doors to the blissful, colorful world of marriage and convinced my mother to proceed with the marriages of my younger ones. Though with a heavy heart and she agreed. But before much delay a guy from dubai came flying to become my partner and, I was knocked down and we tied the knot . After our 3 months of  a happy life i was in the seventh heaven when i was preparing myself for motherhood and i blew the final whistle of my sports career. But fate had planned somthing else. This time it was a physical jolt, high B.p had stopped the heartbeat of my baby and it resulted in a still birth. My husbands presense and his comfort at this juncture of life was much anticipated but it just remained a dream. He never turned up. The same voice of my father again  whispered"common fauziya, move on".....
                            I moved on not turning behind. A job was the need of the hour and a meeting with the then sports minister, K.sudhak
aran helped me in getting the post of a foot-ball coach in the state sports council.I had to prove myself as a good coach and i made it when in 2003 four girls under my training at the nadakav school of calicut were selected to the kerala team. My first successful venture. The calicut team trained under me became the runners-up from 2005 to 2007 in the state sub-junior competition. To get the Kerala women's team  to the national fore was my next goal. Determination and dedication can move mountains and  it was indeed a mountainous task. My continuous fight paved the road and finally the state team was formed in 2013 which was the most beautiful feather in my cap in my whole foot-ball career.  Our  battalion of  Rani Lakshmi's and unni archas were ready and i was lost this time in the world of my brave team. There again the red card was shown and this time in the form of a deadly cancer....With all those chemotherapys and  sufferings, I fought back with the support of my whole family and the continuous whisper into my ears "common fauziya move on". That was my strength and i didn't let cancer take me, instead i gave it a hard kick 'GOAL'.


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