Years after when one walks down the memory lane of the school corridors,you get a warm, nostalgic feeling full of gratitude to the teachers and principal.You can never forget them.your first teacher with whom you stepped into the wonderland of alphabets and numbers.You are binded to her mentally for a life time .Then education was much like a little boat sailing smoothly into a huge sea with no hazzels,no brainstorms and not just achieving material goals.children did according to their ability.There were kids who got 5paise as pocket money and those who got one rupee also.Education was not a suffering to the parent and a sickness to the child.Now a days as everything stands on a globalising verge,so does the education system that seems more like battlefeilds,where the principal is the commandant,teachers the ministers and students the warriors. competing with each other,marks being the ultimate goal.A twelve year lasting war.

The CBSE and ICSE,The higher strata of education.From bags to waterbottles to shoes they are considered the supreme.The higher the fees the heavier the bags.A languages guide would costs any where between Rs 800 to 1000.The others could be guessed.Money never fails to reap at tution centres.Some teachers take up to full time teaching,struggling between school and home.There is absolutely no point blaming them.Blame god for bestowing so much of intelligence,will power and patience on them.Let us take into consideration the fate of the hapless childen mauling between parental and peer pressure.When Home-tution-school-tution-home becomes a routine, even a trained physiciatrist would fail to find an ounce of sanity left in them.A breach of protocol would be suspension from home and school as well.These worked-up minds have a free time for leisure to cool off only on saturdays and sundays after 4p.m. Blame the kids for polluting the atmosphere on weekends with the smoke released from their heads.In their haste rushing from one place to another, keeping pace with the other, their system starts failing resulting in all physical and psycological malfunctions,which reflect in their exams and other extra-curricular performances at schools and home. Their faces as white as the sheet of their answerpapers and their appearance as that of the drought stricken country.Maltruitioned and sleep deprived.Complaints are a regular visitors to these households.They are gender biased, no marks,no concentration,always sleeping in class,not answering are common.Ogling at the teacher and frequenting the toilets are male related.Blame the school for uploading unwanted and baseless complaints on the parent who in turn download it on their ward.Dont blame the child for the complaints they are not responsible for.Inability to cope up with a tough syllabus and pressure from home,school,tution class and coaching class forces the parent to take them for counciling and ultimately reaches them to the physciatrist.A very high amount of students turn to alcohol and smoking, or leave their houses or get to more drastic steps of taking their life, and the reasons possibly being the above mentioned, could not be ruled out.Dont mistake if you find a missing child from the upper middle-class family, for It could be a CBSE,ICSE student.Who is to be made responsible for this PTS mess? Ambitious parents for pressurising their child for better results?or the child for their incapability to take over the stress by resorting to different diverts including the net and the mobile which to a certain extent has lured these little kids with their innovative ways.Question no.1.Where does the cbse,icse student reach?guess.
LAWS:Unlike the state schools, here violating laws is a MAJOR offence.Hair cut,clean shave and tucked-in-shirts with belts for boys.Tied hair,neatly dressed with belt for girls.Shoes a must for all and no late commers.looking more at girls and teachers and talking to girls not allowed.Violating any of these could result in calling the parent.A dress code for the teachers if brought under this law would be preferable.Churidars instead of sarees could be highly advisable.connecting the saree to the blouse with a pin,and wooing eyes could be avoided. Now before ending the ride coming to the communication skills.A large number of these highly educated students would also queue-up at the English coaching classes. reasons: 1)Only answer to the point.2)Do not answer to the principal.3)Do not talk in class.So where,when and how do these students talk?Our very obedient children talks when out of their classes ,when nobody is hearing them,and in their own mothertongue.
comments:Is there not a necessity for a strong education-al bill to come to the floor?If so then what all should be included send me your ideas and suggestions.


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