Indias toilet revolution

At the end of the second millennium, an American newsmagazine organised a worldwide survey to find out which invention had the greatest impact on human beings. Neither James watt's steam engine nor Edison's electric bulb made it to the coveted slot, grabbled easily by the flush toilet.If anything, this shows how importantant the toilet is to human civilisation. But in india, a majority of the population_68.3 crore_ still has no access to toilet.Which means 58% of the population sits in open and closes their eyes and says"nobody can see me". We could proudly bring ourselves close to only ethiopia which are little worser than us, 60%. China which began developing like india after 1947 stole a march over india in terms of sanitation. Only 4% of chinese closes their eyes openly and says no body can see them. Many countries who are far behind india in terms of development are better positioned, they can sit with their eyes open in closed vaults.The invention of trains have benefited in more than one way. It is always better for the person sitting near the window to take a nap so that he or she could hide themselves from this national shame. In terms of public health, inadequate sanitation costs the nation a whopping 2.4 trillion. Diarrhoea alone claims four lakh lives annualy of which 90% are children.Union minister for sanitation and drinking water wants india to be free from this shameful practise by the end of the 12th plan. Lets hope that attempts by the government, the public and private sectors and the civil society will bring results and this act of shame and bravery would be a long lost story.



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