The sky is the limit

Compromise makes a nice umbrella but a poor roof;it is a temperory expedition.Here, meet Dr subadra she had neither with all the compromises she made to walk up the glorious ladders of education. It surely must not have been a bed of roses in the yearly sixties to be honoured with a doctorate.Now at 80 when she turns back veiwing that path of glory she is left with a mixed feeling because at the end she has no home and no relatives to shelter her.The waiting room of a railway station surely did give her space to reminise her reflecting past.
Daughter of a school master K.keshavan pillai and elder of the two sisters, subadra was very keen on pursuing the same proffession and became a hindi teacher at the age of 18 and continued her studies further by graduating with high marks and taught at different schools.Her heart was always at gaining more education which ultimately reached her to the highest esteem of a doctrate in 1962 from the kerela university.And the de-lit graduation in 1968. She flew higher and higher attaching new feathers to her wings.3 doctrates(hindi,malayalam and english).diplomas in kannada,sanskrit and tamil.she achieved life memberships at the linguistic society of india,lexico graphical society,and dravidian linguistic society for her pioneering knowledge of different languages.She went on to become a linguistic proffessor at R.V.PURAM training and engineering colleges and further as a lecturer at govt.hindi training institute.She was the principal at Atoor N.V.K.highschool Kanyakumari and of B.ed college at Andhra pradesh.From a little birdie to a fully grown-up she had touched the heights of her glorified venture in between which she had no time to think of a companian or a family.After retiring she went on for more researches and returned with her hands and heart full of gaining and giving knowledge.Back in her native at attungal.trivandrum she realised that her home and land was taken over by miscreants and lost irrecoverably.
When one of her old students recognised her lying cuddled to her memories at the tambanur railway station she spoke like a mentaly challenged women.Her grey hair revealed her age but the crown of education was absolutely invisible.She was taken to the nearby police station where she unburdened her long journey and thats how her saga came to light and enlightened us.
At the end it is not the years in your life that counts but the life in your years that count. shakespeare


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