Wives wanted but not daughters

Disgusting,shocking and unbelieveable.That actually are not appropriate words for a henious crime being done on yourself and an innocent life within you.What could actually be done for reducing or banning such illegal activities stands before us as a mountainous task.A few years from now and a few states of india will face a huge shortage of girls.Now that the ratio of female to male stands at 940\1000,this could create a further imbalance with more and more clinics conducting the banned sex-determinig tests.The state of the maharajas which reports of approx. 300 female child being aborted daily is by no doubt a national shame.Every man needs a women but not all fathers wish for a daughter.You dont have to break your brains or conduct debates to get to the reason for this unjust and uncaliberated way of thinking.It is very simple.A word which has no relevancy may be anywhere in the world except two places one in india and the other in the dictionary.Yes 'Dowry' the five letter word which is the cry,the tears and the voice of women, and which has the power to crush , suppress and kill.Since freedom many leaders and social activists have been trying to banish this cheap system of marriage making this subject an agenda of their speeches and causes of struggle but the results were as bare as leafless trees(forget the fruit)and to no avail.It is a shame for a country to be independant for 65 years and continue to be a slave of an unethical and weak enemy called the dowry.Though a punishable offence it is still shamefully Prevailing in all the sections of the society and in the many nooks and corners of india making girls an object of trade and a burden for parents which solely acounts for such mass illegal female infanticide.May be some day a leader would be born who would irradicate this deadly virus from our country and put an end to the many crimes and injustice done to little innocent girls of india.


Rugma said…
Dowry is the voluntary step taken by the elite group as a means of security for their daughters future (the one we see in the society we live). But the article you wrote portrays the truth that prevails. The truth that can give them strength to strangle a fetus before it sees the world! Well written aunty!

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