My lovely friend of 10 years.spano

A few months from now when we were a five member family it was totally a different scenario when ever I came back home after a temple visit or shopping.I used to be welcomed in a special manner, making me wonder whether I had just left house a few hours back or weeks and months before. Taking a little time to reach the gate due to old age and eyes deep red after a long morning nap figuring outwith a fixed glance and assuring its me. Then authoritatively questioning me with his wordless speech and waiting for all the answers and all my love in just one glance. Those few seconds I still consider as the most beautiful and precious moments of my life.A feeling of wantedness.How courageous I felt with him around is incomprehensible .No body dared to raise an eyebrow or even speak in a raised tone, none dared to pluck even a leaf from my garden, no cats meowed bravely from the nook or corners ,snakes crawled sluggishly with their tender selves not daring to cross into my compound .Cockroaches kept to their their cabins, lizards stuck to the walls taking care to not fall on the floor.

When we left him at the boarding for just 10 days we had never thought of finding a dehydrated and dying spano,he was healthy and fit when we had left him there. There was a doctor and a care-taker and many friends too. But that was not that he needed, he missed his family, he missed his home, he felt abandoned and lost.Never leave your pets at the boardings specially if they are old.