Why this caste holiday?

The most loved, cherished and awaited day of every person whether in school or in office is undebatedly a 'holiday'.It would be a pleasure for all if one or more holidays were added to the prevailing national and state holidays.Imagine if we were to have one each for every caste? we would then have very few working days and lo! it will give a boost to the day by day increasing casteism and inter-caste egoes and fights.Yes our state kerala,the 100% literate state of which we are and will always be proud of, has set an example by declaring a holiday to the nair sect for the mannam-jayanthi in memory of the great leader mannathu padmanabhan who dedicated his life for the betterment of human and fought for their rights.His cause was not religion-biased but the given holiday is surely one.Which could not be appreciatd or accepted.Why then is sree Narayana guru jayanthi and Ambedkar jayanthi state and national holidays?.Life of people are advancing blindly into an advanced world of technology and social net-working but how much ever we drive ourselves forward,when it comes to religion and caste we all are still backward.Everything in the universe could change except the minds of the people.We remember all those great teachers and preachers only because of the holidays given in their name but we forget their teachings,their hardwork and cause.or else like many diseases like polio,small pox and plague the caste system also would have been iradicated from the heart and mind of indians.The country which claims to have unity in diversity is but untrue to the core.Reservation in the education system which is the present issue for debates needs an alteration and materalistic change which should not be caste-based but should be truly a strong ladder to help every poor student who has high dreams but is helpless to ful-fill them due to lack of finance.


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